In Summer 2023 the spirit of community thrived in Aberdeenas young volunteers from Northfield and Torry orchestrated two unforgettablefamily fun days. Teaming up with the Denis Law Legacy Trust, known for theirimpactful Streetsport program in partnership with Robert Gordon University,these enthusiastic volunteers showcased their dedication to making adifference.
The inaugural Northfield community day set the stage for anexciting summer, offering an array of attractions that resonated with childrenand families alike. From inflatable attractions and engaging Streetsportactivities to captivating face painting, the event was a hit. But the rhythm ofthe event was truly set by the infectious beats provided by the Aberdeen DJAcademy. The Denis Law Legacy Trust ensured the day remained energetic byproviding free refreshments and sweets, fuelling both the fun and the smiles.
Local young residents - Abigail, Evie, Erin, Aimee, Derryn,and Josh stood out as the architects behind the Northfield event's success.Their meticulous planning, creativity, and dedication exemplified theircommitment to their community.
A week later, Torry embraced its second community day, whichembraced the theme of "touch of pink." The event was adorned with anabundance of inflatables and Streetsport games, delighting participants of allages. The standout feature of the day was the introduction of the newStreetsport Go Karts, which captured the hearts of everyone present. However,the day's success transcended mere entertainment, as the Torry volunteersrallied to support the Kacey Seivwright Fund. Their efforts, in memory ofKacey, raised over £1000, a remarkable achievement for a crucial cause.
The 360 Photobooth from 360PhotoboothAberdeen stole thespotlight as well, offering attendees a memorable way to capture the day. Andlet's not forget the delightful food from Aberdam Dutch Fries and Bev’s IceCream that tantalised taste buds throughout the event.
Young volunteers, Kelsey, Lily, Marcus, Lewis, Chloe,Alaina, Antonia, and Logan orchestrated the Torry community day with unwaveringcommitment and creativity.
Their dedication to creating a remarkable event whilecontributing to the Kacey Seivwright Fund underscored the power ofcommunity-driven initiatives.
Central to the Denis Law Legacy Trust's ethos, bothcommunity days remained completely free to access. This decision embodied theTrust's mission of inclusivity, ensuring that everyone could partake in thefestivities. Impressively, over 1000 individuals attended across both events,reinforcing the impact of these youth-led gatherings.
Aimee Culley, Streetsport Operations Coordinator,highlighted the significance of these events, emphasising that they grant youngpeople a voice and influence within their communities. The coming together ofNorthfield and Torry to revel in these family fun days showcased the strengthof unity and the unwavering support of the community.
Greg Miller, Communications & Marketing Officer at DenisLaw Legacy Trust, stressed the Trust's commitment to placing young people atthe forefront. These community fun days serve as a testament to the immensepotential and creativity that young individuals bring to the table. The legacyof these events extends beyond the days themselves, igniting a spark ofempowerment that will undoubtedly lead these young leaders on to achieve evengreater things in Aberdeen.
As we reflect on the success of these vibrant communitygatherings, one thing is clear: the future of Aberdeen is brighter than ever,thanks to the indomitable spirit of its young leaders and the guidance of the Denis Law Legacy Trust.
There are hundreds of different ways you can give your time as a volunteer in Aberdeen! The great thing about volunteering is that it is so inclusive, no matter your experience, time you have to give or age, there is a volunteer opportunity to suit you and an organisation in Aberdeen that would really value your contribution.
Have a look below at some of our recently added opportunities and discover how you can make a big difference in your local community!
An exciting opportunity has arisen for a knowledgeable and dynamic individual to join the NESCAN Hub Board as its Treasurer. The new Board member will contribute to the delivery of the Hub’s vision and aims by providing leadership, direction, and advice to the NESCAN Hub Team and specifically around finance.
Independent Monitoring Boards are made up of over a thousand unpaid volunteers operating in every prison in England and Wales, and every immigration detention facility across the UK. We are looking for volunteers to join the Scotland and Northern Ireland Short-Term Holding Facility board to monitor Aberdeen Airport.
By volunteering with Shallion Support, you’ll be part of something new, something meaningful. Whether you can spare a few hours a week or want to get more deeply involved, your skills and time will have a direct impact on people who desperately need support.
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